Help Center

Why am I not eligible?

SilverSneakers is not like a typical gym membership, it is only available as a benefit through qualifying Medicare plans.

Non-qualifying health care plan

The most common reason for an ineligible result is your health care plan does not participate in SilverSneakers. Contact your provider to let them know you value this benefit, or consider switching to a plan that does offer SilverSneakers during the yearly open enrollment period.

Typos and alternate spellings

If you're confident you qualify for SilverSneakers, it's possible that you entered personal details incorrectly, or used spellings and abbreviations that differ from those that appear on your insurance card. Double-check that you spelled your name and other personal info exactly as it appears on the card provided to you by your insurance provider, as matching those details is how we determine your eligibility.

You changed health plans

If you changed your health care plan, it's possible your new plan does not participate in SilverSneakers, in which case you are no longer able to take advantage of the SilverSneakers benefit.

Your health plan no longer supports SilverSneakers

Health care plans can change their benefits, and it's possible they decided to stop supporting the SilverSneakers benefit, even if you didn't change the plan you use.

Think there's been a mistake?

If you are confident you're on a qualifying Medicare plan and are receiving an ineligible result in error, please contact customer service.

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